Troy View Church has a caring and experienced education team. They have a wonderful passion for God and a love for children.
Sunday School Growth Classes: This is a time of creative teaching, biblical stories, and hands-on learning at an early age to begin building a foundation for faith. There are also topical classes for adults. We want every child and adult to hear God’s Word, learn to trust in Jesus Christ, and follow in the footsteps of the apostles that walked before them.
Junior Church Learning Time: Children join in the musical worship portion of the service. At the beginning of the message, children age three through 6th grade are encouraged (but not required) to join the other students and teachers for energetic worship music, age-appropriate Bible lessons, fun activities, and more. Our teachers strive to bring Bible stories to life and apply biblical truths in a way kids understand.
Nursery: There is a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers up to 3 years old. Their parents are welcome to stay with them, but are not required to do so.
Youth Activities: Our Youth Group meets for special events, fun activities, service endeavors, and faith-deepening Bible lessons. We offer week-long summer camp opportunities, lock-ins, interactive Bible studies, various opportunities to serve our community, and more.